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Page 14 of 14 Results 651 - 692 of 692

Title/NameOrder by:  Author  Title  Year

Tough, George, The Crow Creek Settlement. Forestory, 2024, 15(2), 52-58 Barrie: FHO

Subject: People/Personal Recollections

Location: northeast; Kapuskasing; Opasatica

Keywords: crow creek; Japan; Japanese

Townsend, E.Ray, Algonquin Forestry Authority, a 20 year history. 1996, Algonquin Forestry Authority

Location: Algonquin Park

Tozer, Ron and Dan Strickland, A Pictorial History of Algonquin Park. 1995, Whitney ON: Friends of Algonquin

Subject: Land/Forest Planning/Management

Location: Algonquin Park

Traill, Catharine Parr, Pearls and Pebbles. 1894, Toronto: William Briggs

Subject: Early Forest History/Settlement - Before 1900,Forest/Land Description/Measurement

Location: Peterborough area, Kawarthas


Traill, Catherine Parr, Pearls & Pebbles. Edited by Thompson, Elizabeth, 1999, Toronto, Ontario: Natural Heritage Books

Subject: Early Forest History/Settlement - Before 1900

Location: Ontario; England

Keywords: pioneer; settlement; upper canada; ontario

Trinnell, The Life and Times of an Ottawa Valley Lumberking. 1998, Treehouse Publishiing

Subject: Logging

Location: Ottawa Valley

Tufts, R.W., H.F. Lewis and J.A. Munro, Three Lessons on Bird Protection. 1946, Ottawa, Ontario: Canada Department of Mines and Resources

Subject: Forest Conservation

Keywords: birds;

Uhlig, Peter, Land - The Foundation. Forestory, 2012, 3(1), 10-13 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest/Land Description/Measurement

Keywords: land; forestory

Umpherson, Michael J., Origin of the Rivers and Streams Act, 1884. Forestory, 2012, 3(1), 44-45 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Law/Policy,Water/Flood

Keywords: rivers and streams act; policy development; forestory; law

Veitch, Ken C., Aubrey White (1845-1915) A Founder of Forest Firefighting in Ontario. Forestory, 2013, 4(1), 34-35 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Destruction/Protection,People/Personal Recollections

Keywords: people: aubrey white; forest fire fighting; forestory

Veitch, Kenneth Carmen, Hemlock and the Tanning Industry of Muskoka. Forestory, 2013, 4(2), 26-30 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Ecology/Species,Forest Industry/Extraction/Products

Location: Central Ontario; Muskoka; Bracebridge

Keywords: hemlock; tanning; muskoka; forestory

Wagner, R.G., S.J. Colombo, eds., Regenerating the Canadian Forest:Principles and Practice for Ontario. 2001, Fitzhenry & Whiteside

Location: Ontario

Waite, Bethany, Dryden and District Museum's Forest Industry Collection. Forestory, 2019, 10(1), 32-33 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Museums/Archives/Societies

Location: Northwestern Ontario; Dryden

Keywords: dryden; museum; forest industry; forestory

Walden, F.A., Sylva Recap: The Work of District Biologists. Forestory, 2018, 9(2), 26-29 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Wildlife/Habitat

Keywords: forestory; sylva recap; district biologists; ontario ministry of natural resources

Walker J.F., W.D. Bennett, G.E. LaMothe, C.R. Silversides, River Drive of Pulpwood; Efficiency of Technique. Edited by A. Koroleff, 1946, Ottawa, Ontario: Pulp and Paper Research Institute of Canada and The Woodlands Section, Canadian Pulp and Paper Association

Subject: Early Forest History/Settlement - Before 1900,Forest/Land Description/Measurement,Land/Forest Planning/Management,People/Personal Recollections

Location: Eastern Canada

Keywords: logging, river drives,

Watkins, Larry, Reporting on the Forest. Forestory, 2012, 3(1), 14-17 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest/Land Description/Measurement

Keywords: reporting on the forest; forestory

Webber, L.R. and D.W. Hoffman, Origin, Classification and Use of Ontario Soils. 1970, Toronto, Ontario: Ontario Department of Agricuture and Food

Subject: Forest/Land Description/Measurement

Location: Ontario

Keywords: soils

West, Bruce, The Firebirds. 1974, Ontario Department of Lands and Forests

Location: Ontario

White, Greg, Perth County Historical Foundation Arboretum. Forestory, 2012, 3(1), 62 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Museums/Archives/Societies

Location: Southwestern Ontario; Perth County

Keywords: arboretum; perth county; forestory

White, John, Sketches from America. 1870, London: Sampson, Low, Son and Marston

Location: Part 1: Canada

Keywords: forest description; timber rafts

White, Paul, The Impact of the Forest Products and Tourism Industries on the Development of the Bruce Peninsula, 1850-2019. Forestory, 2021, 12(1), 13-15 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Early Forest History/Settlement - Before 1900,Forest Industry/Extraction/Products

Location: southwestern ontario; bruce peninsula

Keywords: forest products; tourism; development

Whitton, Charlotte, A Hundred Years A-Fellin' 1842-1942. 1943, 1(1), Ottawa: The Runge Press

Subject: Forest Industry/Extraction/Products,Organizational History,People/Personal Recollections

Location: south central; Ottawa valley

Keywords: Gillies Brothers; pine; logging; lumbering; timber industry; ottawa valley;

Wicksteed, Bernard, Joe LaVally and the Paleface in Algonquin Park. 1948, Toronto: William Collins and Son

Subject: Forest/Land Description/Measurement,People/Personal Recollections

Location: Algonquin Park

Wiegman, Carl, Trees to News: A Chronicle of the Ontario Paper Company's Origin and Development. 1953, McLelland and Stewart

Location: Ontario

Wilkie, David, Sketches of a Summer Trip. 1837, London: Sherwood, Gilbert and Piper

Subject: Early Forest History/Settlement - Before 1900

Location: Southern Ontario

Keywords: settlement; forest description

Wilson, Wesley B., The Sawmilling and Lumbering Industry of Norfolk County. Forestory, 2017, 8(2), 11-16 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Industry/Extraction/Products

Location: Southwestern Ontario; Norfolk County

Keywords: forestory; sawmilling; norfolk county

Woodliffe, Allen, A Historical Look at Our Natural Landscape in Southern Ontario. 2004, Windsor: Camada South Land Trust

Subject: Forest/Land Description/Measurement

Location: Southwestern Ontario

Keywords: early forest history;

Woods, Lloyd, Recollections of Building Fire Towers. Forestory, 2013, 4(2), 39-43 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Destruction/Protection,People/Personal Recollections

Keywords: personal recollections; building fire towers; forestory

Wright, Grace (Joy) and Fred Holmes, Living in a Lumber Mill Village - Byng Inlet, Georgian Bay; Personal Recollections. Forestory, 2018, 9(1), 21-24 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Industry/Extraction/Products

Location: central ontario; byng inlet; georgian bay

Keywords: forestory; personal recollections; lumber mill village; byng inlet

Wynia, Anne, A Tribute to Alfred S. L. Barnes (1905-1976). Forestory, 2016, 7(1), 21-22 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: People/Personal Recollections

Keywords: people; alfred s.l. barnes; forestory

Wynia, Dolf, Event: Commemorating Two Forest Pioneers in Ontario. Forestory, 2010, 1(2), 25-26 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Conservation,People/Personal Recollections,Museums/Archives/Societies,Events/News

Keywords: edmund zavitz; james white; st. williams forest station; forestory; event

Wynia, Dolf, Book Review: Two Billion Trees and Counting. Forestory, 2011, 2(1), 23 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Land/Forest Planning/Management,Book Reviews/References/Resources

Keywords: book review; two billion trees and counting; forestory; reforestation

Wynia, Dolf, Canada's First Forestry Station Interpretive Centre. Forestory, 2014, 5(1), 38-39 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Museums/Archives/Societies

Location: Southwestern Ontario; St. William's

Keywords: St. William's Forestry Station; ecology centre; FORESTORY; port rowan; first forestry station

Wynia, Dolf, The Sweet Canadian Chestnut. Forestory, 2019, 10(2), 25-27 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Ecology/Species

Location: Southern Ontario

Keywords: chestnut; forestory; species; ecology

Wynia, Dolf, Returning the Canadian Sweet Chestnut to the Forests of Ontario. Forestory, 2020, 11(1), 14-15 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Ecology/Species,Forest Conservation

Location: Southern Ontario

Keywords: forestory; species; ecology; sweet chestnut; returning

Wynia, Dolf, Invitation to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Forest Engineers (now the CIF) January 1926. Forestory, 2020, 11(2), 24 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Organizational History,Events/News

Keywords: forestory; annual general meeting of the canadian society of forest engineers 1926

Wynia, Dolf, The Trail of White Pine Across the Ocean From Germany to Ontario. Forestory, 2021, 12(1), 16-19 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Land/Forest Planning/Management

Keywords: white pine; nursery stock; germany

Wynia, Dolf, The Thunder Bay Forest Station 1944-1986. Forestory, 2023, 14(2), 18-24

Location: Northwestern Ontario

Keywords: Thunder Bay; Forest Station; Research;

Wynia, Dolf and Anne Wynia, From Ontario's Wastelands to Ontario's Garden - Trees Did It. Forestory, 2018, 9(1), 28-30 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Land/Forest Planning/Management

Keywords: forestory; tree nurseries; reforestation; st. william's

Zavitz, E.J., Report on the Reforestation of Waste Lands in Southern Ontario. 1909, Ontario Department of Agriculture

Location: Southern Ontario

Zsilinsky,Victor G., Photographic Interpretation of Tree Species in Ontario. 1963, Timber Branch, Toronto: Department of Lands and Forests

Subject: Forest/Land Description/Measurement,Land/Forest Planning/Management

Location: Ontario

Keywords: aerial photography; tree species; photographic interpretation;stereoscopic perception

Zsilinszky, Victor, G., A Look Back at Ontario's Forest Resources Inventory. Forestory, 2012, 3(2), 1-3 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest/Land Description/Measurement

Keywords: forest resources inventory; forestory

Page 14 of 14 Results 651 - 692 of 692

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